Roberta Staley and Tallulah have
travelled the globe documenting the struggles of people in the developing
world. Inspired by the many stories of compassion, struggle and courage,
Tallulah and Roberta have created Journeys to the Edge.
First, Journeys to the Edge is a fund-raising organization
in support of independent journalism in Canada and the developing world. As
traditional media outlets close bureaus around the world and slash
international coverage, objective reporting from the field is compromised,
despite digital information gathering. Journeys to the Edge will help Tallulah
and Roberta cover expenses associated with an upcoming trip to Afghanistan to
report on the work of Canadian Women for
Women in Afghanistan. This NGO’s literacy programs are
helping women in Afghanistan achieve gender parity following years of Taliban
oppression. It is also working to improve the standard of teaching in
Afghanistan and buy books and supplies for libraries, schools and communities.
Please vist our webpage